Thursday, 15 November 2012

The o's have o's. This is a letter sculpture made with many a o overlapping their neighbour o.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

We must step into other people's shoes to truly understand them and see how they see the world. This is a simple image created from and edited to resemble eyes.

Money Is Cruel

In my poster, I am creating a message to the people of the world to show ultimately how money is in control of our lives. The title "Money Is Cruel" is an overall image of the rest of the phrases which can all connect to each other. "Money Makes The World Go Round!" is view of how the world is run. Without money, in today's world, there is poverty. In a world where people have money, they will have power. Unfortunately most of that power is used for personal gain which shows that "Money Is Corrupt." Those with power usually want more power, so they need more money. This brings us to how "Money is taken from the poor" and "Money is given to the rich." To live in a peaceful world we need equality, and it should begin with those who have more giving to those who have less, because while they live comfortably, somebody else suffers.