How Master Chief Got His New Look
Halo 4 artist talks to IGN about the Chief’s new design.
NOVEMBER 7, 2012
Gabriel Garza (aka Robogabo) has spent the last four years drawing pictures of scabrous aliens, painting lush azure cosmic sunsets, journeying into realms of sci-fi imagination. But his most important job has been to touch-up this fella....
Halo 4 is more than merely a new episode in Master Chief’s story. It’s a new start. And while the super-soldier has always undergone cosmetic dibs and dabs during his Bungie years, 343 Industries understood that the time had come to look again at every inch of his armor suit and see what could be tweaked.
“It's a very organic process,” says Garcia. “We wanted to bring something new, but at the same time, stay true to Halo, all the past elements from other designs. There were no set rules.”
“We'd go to a meeting and I'd get feedback from [art director] Kenneth Scott. He’d say, ‘I like this one, I like the feet on this other one...’ I'd combine all that together and do 10 more. Show those sketches. Then they'd pick two out of those and I'd do five more, and so on.
“So after starting with 20, we'd end up with maybe three. Of those three we'd choose one and I'd polish it up, bringing it to a certain level where everyone could understand the different parts of it. How the hands look, the feet, the shoulders. Then I'd take one part at a time, the hand for example, and detail it all the way to the fingertips.”
The prime directive was evolution. “I would say it's a more mature look, but at the same time we're as close we can to past Halos. We had a couple of buzzwords when we were designing the Master Chief. Words like ‘tank’, ‘heavy, ‘tough’. When you think ‘tank’, there are certain colors, types of materials, reflectivity. That helped me to take the Master Chief to another level.”
He believes that character-design should contribute to the telling of the game’s story, which is everyone’s responsibility, including writers, modelers and animators. “Even before we started all this, we were trying to have everybody become a Halo expert. Read all the books, play all the games, just get all the way into the universe. People on the team would say to us, ‘it'd be cool if the Chief could do this or that’. So I would change his shoulder in a certain way so he could do that particular movement.”
So what are his tips for aspiring game artists? He says, “Draw every day. Then you can start to worry about getting together a portfolio. Make sure your portfolio is focused on the kind of things you want to be doing. My portfolio at first would be focused on getting into any game company to do concept art. Once I got there, what's my next goal? To do a game that's science fiction. So I'd do a new portfolio with just science fiction pieces. It takes time. It's not easy. It's just practice and never giving up.”
More images now available in the coffee-table book Awakening: The Art of Halo 4.
I chose this article to express the art within video games, specifically, Halo 4. When I played the game I was impressed by the concepts and was inspired to do this project on this article so that others may see what it takes to produce a final production in the art world.