Thursday 13 December 2012

Halo Magazine pages

This is the article I have chosen, it is about the new art look on the Master Chief in Halo 4. It is written how they went through different steps and many changes to get it how it is now. I cut out an image of the Master Chief and decided to have him expanding on to both pages. I then outlined him to place the text around his image. Originally i had it go everywhere but decided to use the negative space on the second page to only have the part of the title, the  quote and the page number. I decided on the Bangle MN font for the article writing, Courier for the quote, Ayuthaya for the page number and Bangle Sangam MN for the magazine name. I downloaded the Halo 4 font for the title and the XBOX 360 font for where it says XBOX 360 at the bottom right of the second page. At first I had a completely black background but then I chose to split it with an almost white background on the second page to create a half and half feel but still have it connected by the colour of the writing.

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